In keeping with our motto "Serving with love. Sharing God's light," we at Bethel Baptist Church seek to spread the light of the Gospel to each part of our small community and to every part of the world. Our purpose is to glorify God by bringing the lost to Christ and by encouraging, equipping, and discipling believers through small-group Bible study, corporate worship, and various other ministries.
Bethel Baptist Church supports local ministries such as Care and Hope (Bastrop, LA), Louisiana Baptist Children's Home (Monroe, LA) and Life Choices Pregnancy Center (Monroe, LA). Through faithful and generous giving of our people, we also provide financial support for the missions and ministries of Louisiana Baptists, the North American Mission Board, and the International Mission Board.

Children's Ministry
Sunday School- 9:30 (every Sunday Morning)
Bible Study- 7:00 (every Wednesday night)
Missions Night- 5:45 (3rd Wednesday of the month)
Junior Choir- 6:30 ( 2nd and 4th Wednesday)
Vacation Bible School 2025 (June 23-27)
Youth Ministry
Sunday School- 9:30 (every Sunday Morning)
Bible Study- 7:00 (every Wednesday night)
Missions Night- 5:45 (3rd Wednesday of the month)

Operation Christmas Child
Every year, Samaritan's Purse collects shoe box Christmas gifts to be distributed to children all over the world. For some children, this is the only gift they will ever receive. After receiving the shoe box, the children are invited to a discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, where they are taught the gospel and encouraged to share the Word of Jesus.
Over 30.9 million children have enrolled in The Greatest Journey since 2009.
Woven Women
Woven Woman participate in Bible study starting in January and August
Woven Women Worship
first weekend in June

Volunteer Groups
Contact us with any needs in the community.
Men's Group
Men's Prayer Breakfast
first Saturday of February and August

Create a legal will online
If you have not already created a legal will, please consider taking advantage of the following FREE service which has already been used by many church members. The process of writing a will is very quick and confidential, and it will ensure that your wishes for your estate are known and are legally binding. You can also easily update your will if your circumstances change.
Please click the button to begin creating your will today.